Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Time to wipe the dust off this ranting space.

This holiday has been far from monotonous, every week brings about surprises good and bad. Exploring new places, rediscovering the old. I can say the company makes a hell lot of a difference. Our lifestyle has also altered slightly with him being posted to different camps ever so often and with his own transport comes heavier responsibility and a bigger hole in our pockets. The price tag on convenience is hefty but i hope we can do it while indulging in our little splurges.

I do feel a little lost, like suddenly there's no constant in my life. It's like everyday is different, there is no routine or a fixed schedule some days can be really exciting while others i could be just wandering around. Even his posting is not fixed so we'll never know where he'll end up the next day, pretty much like playing amazing race. Even the nitty gritty stuffs like not knowing he doesnt eat roasted pork until now suddenly struck me, prompting me to question myself how well do i actually know this guy whose hands i've held for the past 3 1/2 years. Why at 20 did my life become a rollercoaster ride? Maybe the exciting life which i've always wished for has been granted, i wonder how well i'll do with the changes.

Be careful what you wish for, cos you just might get...

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