Tuesday, August 01, 2006

is it night or day?

when personalities and working patterns clash, the war begins. if i really fail this module because of a mistake i din make, i'm so gonna screw the people responsible. till now, i just have to wait till the verdict is out.

i'm so lookin forward to the national day holiday next week! CHALET! i cant tell u how excited i am because i just knew i had to make it happen! Talkin about holidays, its a love-hate thing for September.

The Bad - Baby's going away for 2 whole weeks! (multiply by 100000000 Bad!)
no contact 24/7 x 14. i dun wanna calculate....sigh

The Good - stayover at Van's! its gonna be so fun!

The "Hmm" - Work. IMF for Kelly Services? IMF for Revi Nair?
nothing's confirmed yet. what if i end up with none?

I really dunno if i'm lookin forward to September...though i'm definitely not looking forward to exams. Absence makes the heart grow fonder...right? i gotta chant that every single day to make things look better! and i can ask baby to help me get duty free perfume! that's a good to the bad aye? ;)

I'm a happy happy girl *GRINS*

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