the hostel
the sea everywhere!
Four Seasons Kuda Huraa Spa Island
Me with the spa island behind
All 7 of us
my 11th day at Maldives.
The place is beautiful. How can it not be when the seawater is as clear as the pool and its like infinity. you don't see an end to the sea. Work is not very tough and the people are all friendly. The hostel is air conditioned and we have staff gym, canteen etc.
Sounds like all too good right?
but i cant tell you how much i miss home. Sometimes i just feel like dropping everything and take the next flight back. counting down to the end of 3 months every single day.
Having said all that, i did have really fun times here too. The 6 girls have gossip session almost every single day which i really appreciate if not i'll probably not survive until now. on my first off day, i visited the capital, Male which was a good relief from the mundane life here.
One more really exciting thing! President Nathan was here and i took pictures and shook hands with him! He even dined at the restaurant i was working at. My pic was not in the straits times but it was on lianhe zaobao! Sat's paper...please cut it out for me if you guys have =)
I miss everybody back home! I miss macdonalds and it is practically unheard of here! I hope time will pass faster...Miss every single thing Singaporean =(